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Latest news | Call for Scotland-Ukraine Defence Support Scheme

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Call for Scotland-Ukraine Defence Support Scheme

Today, Stewart McDonald MP has launched a significant proposal aimed at fostering collaboration between Scotland and Ukraine: the Scotland-Ukraine Defence Support Scheme.

This initiative seeks to bolster Scotland's defence sector while providing essential support to Ukraine through strategic partnerships with industry, academic institutions, and government bodies.

The success of this initiative hinges on political will, adequate funding, and constructive cooperation with the UK Government. If realised, the Scotland-Ukraine Defence Support Scheme could mark a significant step forward in European security cooperation, demonstrating Scotland's commitment to international solidarity.

As Stewart McDonald MP leads this effort, he underscores the importance of standing together in times of need. By working collaboratively, Scotland and Ukraine can forge a path towards a safer and more secure future for all involved.

"The Scotland-Ukraine Defence Support Scheme represents a crucial opportunity for us to not only strengthen our own defence capabilities but also to extend a helping hand to our friends in Ukraine," Stewart McDonald explains, emphasising the importance of collective action in times of uncertainty.

"The key to success lies in our ability to invest in skills, apprenticeships, and research and development," McDonald continues. "By doing so, we not only enhance our own industry but also create opportunities for meaningful support to Ukraine."


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